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How to remove Warts with Homeopathic Medicines. Buy online

People having Warts try to remove by picking it with finger nails, wrapping it in a duct tape, rubber bands etc but this is ill advised since homeopathy offers an easy and natural way without any painful consequences. Homeopathic medicines acts as a natural remedy since it not only removes warts but acts as deterrent  from reoccurring. Know more and buy online in this article…

About: Warts are unwanted skin protrusions (growth) that are relatively harmless in most cases which most people have sometime in their life. The human papiloma virus of which there are more than 100 strains are behind these skin condition. They usually appear on hands and feet, face, nose nostrils, behind ears but some in the genital regions and are disfiguring and embarrassing . This virus is contagious and you are likely to contract it through cuts, damage or in contact with a infected person. So if you are infected with HPV you are likely to get one of the following types of warts; Plantar warts (they grow within skin), common warts (rough grey patches on skin), Flat warts (small flat top growths on face, arms or thighs), Filiform warts ( tiny skin flaps that appear on the face, Subungal and Periungal warts ( it affects finger and toe nails). So how to remove warts ? Warts disappear on their own over prolonged periods of time but those that are painful or people with diabetes or HIV should seek medical attention

wart removal on face neck chest feet homeopathy remedies

What to do when you have warts?

As it is a contagious disease, it can quickly spread to other parts of your body or infect your near and dear ones at home, so you have to observe caution and take following precautionary steps

  1. Do not try to rub the wart with any household article like utensil. Use separate towels and do not mix your clothes
  2. Do not try to cut or puncture the wart with any sharp objects or try to burn it. Do not use duct tapes or wrap in rubber bands as is commonly believed.
  3. Keep your hands & feet dry and use shower wear like flip-flops when in a group/community bathing
  4. If the wart changes its color or if you are having a medical condition like sugar (diabetes) or HIV then you should consult a doctor immediately.

Corns and Warts – You should identify the difference between corn and warts from their physical appearance as they are common skin growth conditions on the foot . If it is hard, raised and flaky it is a Corn. If you regularly develop corns, homeopathy could provide you a gentle, safe treatment option. Certain areas of our skin especially on hands and feet may be subject to repeat friction causing calluses and corns. Homeopathy offers good Corns medicines, check doctor recommended kit here

corns on feet treatment at home

How does Homeopathy remove warts?

Homeopathy not only wipes out warts but also addresses the internal cause, the root which makes the patient susceptible to it. Therefore homeopathic treatment  not only looks at the pathological condition but focuses on the patient’s emotional and mental aspects too. So it considers a hierarchy of symptoms and the mind-body connect which is termed as miasmatic tendency is often taken into account in the treatment process. The homeopath selects a remedy that strengthens the patients immunity and removes the susceptibility to viral infection. People who undergo homeopathic treatment to remove warts also find additional benefits like better sleep, renewed energy, and disappearance of other associated symptoms.

The tincture of Thuja Occidentalis has long been used in Homeopathy, for it contains volatile oil with about 60% thujone, falvonoids, wax, mucilage and tannin which have specific anti-bacterial and anti viral actions. Thuja Occidentalis is also used for related skin growths like condylomata, excrescences etc.  “I’ve done a lot of research on thuja and found this ……a very good product at a very good price. Skin tags? Warts? This could help. Applied 3x a day and covered with a band-aid, you could be free of these annoying skin thingys” says one customer in his review.

Another customer feedback goes like this “My mother-in-law used it for a wart on the inside of her nose and noticed the wart shrinking after about 4 weeks….Bottom line: Go for the herbs before you reach for the drugs. They take longer to work, but the results can be great and your body will thank you for it. Besides, this Thuja is not expensive. Why not give it a try? Read the label, educate yourself, then decide”

Results? Check out the Clinical case study findings – Warts treated with homeopathy

Patient case history, timelines, investigation window for remedies. Doctor’s Name: Dr. Deepak H. Halari

Doctor recommended medicine kits for warts

Dr.Pranjali recommends a set of five homeopathic remedies, 3 internal and two external application for effective removal of stubborn warts. Check out her video and know the medicines with indications here 


Homeopathic Single Remedies indicated for Warts Treatment

Homeopathic Single remedy Indicated for
Acidum phos. (tds), Sabina (tds) Black warts
Acidum salicylic. 3X (tds) Itchy and pustular watts. Scratching gives some relief.
Anacardium ori. (tds), Dulcamara (tds), Natrium mur. (tds) Warts on the palms of the hand.
Anagallis lx (tds) It possess power of softening flesh and destroying warts.
Antimonium crud. (tds) Warts on soles, palms and neck. Warts soft and smooth.
Antimonium tart. (tds) Warts on glans penis.
Arsenicum alb. (tds) Warts on the right hand.
Arsenicum alb. (tds), Natrum carb. (tds) Warts on the back of the hand.
Aurum mur. (tds) Warts on the tongue and genitals.
Calcarea calcinata 3x (tds) It is a remedy for all kinds of warts.
Calcarea carb. (tds) Red. warts on the fingers. Warts on face and hands.
Calcarea fluor. 12x (tds) Hard wart or a mole on the scalp.
Cannabis ind. (tds), Acidum phos. (tds) Warts situated on the prepuce..
Carbo animalis (tds) Warts on hands and face of old people.
Castor equi (tds) Warts on breasts.
Castoreum (tds) Warts on forehead.
Causticum (tds) Warts on finger tips, right index finger, on the face, eyelids and in or outside the nose. Burning and bleeding easily. Maybe situated all over the body.
Dulcamara (tds) Warts on the lower eyelid of the eyes. Large smooth warts on the palms.
Ferrum met. (tds), Psorinum (tds) Warts on the left hand.
Ficus carica (tds) (Fig) The fresh milky juice obtained by breaking the stalk applied externally. on warts causes their disappearance.
Kalium crh. (tds) Warts on. the fingers.
Natrum carb. (tds) Warts on-forearms.
Natrum mur. (tds) Warts on palms.
Natrum sulph. (tds) Red warts on the whole body, General remedy for warts specially when fingers and toes. are affected.
Nitricum acidum (tds) Warts are like cauliflowers on lips or anywhere; hard, having cracks, sometimes emitting a fetid fluid. Warts on genitals. Warts bleed on washing.
Ruta (tds) Warts on the inside of hands.
Sarsaparilla (tds) Warts around joints of fingers.
Sepia (tds) Warts situated on the whole body.
Thuja occ. 1M (hs). Repeat after a week Warts on the anus, thumb, sides of the fingers and the left index. finger. Warts in crops, sometimes oozing moisture or blood. Warts on genitals and anal surfaces.

Homeopathic Specialty products indicated to remove Warts

Product Description
Schwabe Topi Thuja Cream Schwabe Topi Thuja Cream is indicated for the external treatment of warts including excrescences (abnormal outgrowths), Condylomata (Viral warts including genital warts). Thuja Occ contains  volatile oil with 60% thujone, favonoids, wax, mucilage and tannins  which have specific antibacterial and antiviral actions. Topi Thuja Cream contains 10% of Thuja occidentalis tincture and should be applied 2-3 times daily by making a thin layer on the affected parts. Size: 25gm,
Bakson Wart Aid tablets Baksons Wart Aid homeopathic tablets is indicated for warts, corns and epithelial tumours. It is a combination of Causticum and Thuja, which are well known, clinically proved specific homeopathic remedies for all types of warts.  Contains: Causticum 2002.5% w/w, Thuja occ. 200 2.5% w/w. SIze: 75 Tab,
Blooume Warts Salbe (Blooume 77) Blooume 77 Warts Salbeis indicated fortreatment of all types of warts and has proven ingredients like Calcarea Carbonica 4X, Causticum 6X, Dulcamara, Thuja Occidentalis. Size: 20gm
Allen Warto Plus tablets Allen Warto Plus Tab for Warts is indicated for hard and soft Warts, with or without pain and corns. It is useful for people suffering from painful foot which feels as a stone in your shoe. Contains Dulcamara D, Ant.Crud. D , Acid Nit. Q , Caysticum D, Thuja Q. Size: 25gm
BBP Wartol Cream BBP Wartol-Cream is indicated for treating all kinds of warts and corns. Safe and effective Homeopathic remedy for getting rid of warts. Size: 25gm, MRP: 48/-
Medisynth Wartex Drops Wheezal Thuja Ointment is a Homeopathic medicine for warts. Size: 25gm,
Medisynth Wartex Drops & Pills Medisynth Wartex forte Pills/Drops is recommended in all types of warts, corns and also beneficial in treating benign epithelial tumors, hyperkeratosis. Itis a safe, effective and painless medication to effectively deal with warts and corns. Size: 25gm pills, 30ml drops
Allen DeWarts Cream Allen Homeopathy Dewarts is Warts and corns removal cream effectively and permanently treats all kinds of warts (common warts, plantar warts, flat warts, filiform warts, periungual warts) and corns. Size: 25gm
Fourrts Thuja Gel Fourrts Thuja Gel is indicated in the Homeopathic treatment for skin condition caused by the human papilloma virus and for getting rid of warts and corns. Size: 25gm
Bakson Thuja Ointment Bakson Thuja Ointment is indicated in the cases of Warts and Corns,Overgrowth’s of skin like Polyps and Tubercles. Size: 25gm
SBL Thuja Pomade Ointment SBL Thuja Pomade Ointment (gel) is an excellent homeopathic external application for Polyps, Tubercles and Warts etc. This fast acting remedy gets quickly absorbed and is non-staining, it ensures deep penetration and easily washable. Size: 25gm
Allen A31 Homeopathic Drops for Warts Allen A31 Warts Drops is indicated for natural treatment of warts. Effectively and permanently treats all kinds of Warts (Common Warts, Plantar Warts, Flat Warts, Filiform Warts, Periungual Warts) and Corns. Contains: Silicea, Acidum nitricum, Antimonium crudum,Causticum, Acidum boracicum. Size: 30ml,-
Wheezal WL49 Warts Drops Wheezal WL49 Warts Drops is indicated for Warts on the body, on different parts. Contains: Antimonium Crudum 200, Calcarea Fluorica 3X, Cistus Canadensis 200, Mezereum 200,  Thuja Occidentalis 3X. Size: 30ml
Adel 40 and 86 Combo for Warts Treatment ADEL 40 is used for the treatment of all forms of warts, juvenile and vulgar and ADEL 86 is for all forms of warts, like juvenile warts, plantar warts, senile warts, “vulgar” warts, warts surrounding nails. Size: 70ml
Medisynth Wartex Cream Medisynths Dr.VcNally Wartex Cream also known as (Beckoment No-16) is a natural remedy for removal of warts & corns. Its well known properties in removal of warts & corns is without any pain, bleeding, recurrence and ugly scar or mark on the skin. Contains: Thuja Occidentalis, Antimonium Crudum 1X , Calcarea Fluorica 1X. Size: 25gm
Dr Raj Wartrid Drops Dr Raj Wartrid Drops for all types of warts / moles / excrescences / condylomata / corns of any size, shape, color, contour, texture, etc. Located anywhere on body with or wothout oozing of moisture or blood. Size: 30ml
Adel 40 Verintex drops German drops are indicated for all forms of warts, juvenile and vulgar. Size: 20ml
SBL Thuja Roll SBLThuja Roll On is a convenient handy, easy-to-use, direct application homeopathic medicine that helps in painless alleviation of warts without any adverse effects. Size: 10ml
Bhargava Wartin Drops Bhargava Wartin Drops for Warts and Corns for all types of warts / moles / excrescences / condylomata / corns of any size, shape, color, contour, texture, etc. located anywhere on body with or without oozing of moisture or blood. Size: 30ml,
Wheezal Wartilex Tablets Wheezal Wartilex Tablets is a homeopathic medicine which remove hard and soft warts, painful corns. Size: 75 tab
Hahnemann pharma Thuja ointment Hahnemann pharma Thuja ointment is a homeopathy medicine for warts & corns. Size: 25gm
Bhargava Wart Off Cream Bhargava Wart Off Cream indicated in all types of warts. Size: 30gm
Medisynth Witch Hazel Cream Medisynth Witch Hazel Cream tones up the facial skin and muscles to help smooth-away wrinkles, pouches and ‘Crows feet’. It helps to quickly heal capillary bleeding or damaged blood vessels, thus clearing the spots, blotches, acne and warts. Size: 25gm,

Pet Care treatment of Warts

Pet owners especially dog lovers swear by Homeopathic Thuja medicines for treatment of warts. One owner says “experimented by placing a few drops on one of the tumor clusters (on the dog). I applied the oil daily for a few days and was amazed to find the “warts” peeling off where I had applied the Thuja. I then tried it on two more of the clusters with the same results”.

Another review says” it appears to be herbal medicine. Anyway, I recommend trying it on dogs who have this problem. I have seen no ill effects on the dog, who only weighs eight pounds”

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4 thoughts on “How to remove Warts with Homeopathic Medicines. Buy online”

  1. i was diagnosed with genital warts, last six months back it finally shows out!that i had hpv. Later I started homeopathic treatment, the hpv got eliminated by killing all symptoms and the warts in my genital area disappeared. It so amazing i got rid of the hpv. i so much like to share this testimony to every article for others living with hpv there is possible natural herbs to eliminate it.

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