Homeopathy for Women’s Health

Pregnancy Stages, Symptoms and Homeopathy Remedies

Homeopathy can help mothers have easy conception and delivery, a fact backed by research (Cahiers de Biotherapie, April 87, 94:77-81). Here a a double blind placebo controlled medical trial reported that the length of labour for those taking homeopathic treatment was on average 38 minutes shorter than those taking placebos (dummy pill). The number of delivering mothers having difficult birth was 11% with homeopathic remedy as aginst 40% with placebo. Another Swiss study by Hochstrasser B Mattmann in 1999 revealed that in pregnant women, using homeopathy , teh frequency of situations requiring caesarean section was remarkably low

Homeopathy medicines for labor and delivery

How to reduce the risk of miscarriage in early pregnancy? 11 useful tips for safe pregnancy Know more here 

Trimesters of pregnancy and common symptoms with Homeopathy remedies

First Trimester  (1-12 weeks) Homeopathic Remedy
Constant vomiting and nausea Symphoricarpus Racemosa 6c, 5-6 pills, twice daily, till symptoms disappear
Iron-deficiency anaemia Ferrum Phos 6x, 4-5 tablets twice daily, for 3 months
To ease digestive problems like reflux, or heartburn Natrum Phos 6x, 4-5 tablets twice daily, till symptoms, such as hyperacidity and nausea disappear
Second Trimester (13 -28 Weeks) Homeopathic Remedy
Jaundice during pregnancy Nux Vomica 30c. To be taken only under medical supervision.
Pregnancy-induced diabetes Syzygium Jambolanum 6c (only under medical supervision)
Third Trimester (29-40 weeks)
Constipation Senna 6c
Backache Rhus Tox 30c
Piles with backache Aesculus 30c
Varicose veins Calcarea Fluorica 6x
Tetanus (preventive) Ledum Pal 200c
During Childbirth
Indicated during labour to help in delivery; to relieve over-exertion; and reduce bruised feeling after delivery Arnica 30c
Reduces mental exhaustion during labour Kali Phos 6x
Useful in difficult labour, where the cervix is slow to dilate and the pains Caulophyllum 30c
Common Lactation Problems
To increase the flow of milk Asafoetida 30c
Mothers producing excessive milk. Restores normal flow of milk Borax 30c
Weaning. Useful in drying up the milk Lac Caninum 30c
Newborn: Health Problems
Asphyxia neonatorum Antim Tart (strictly under medical supervision)
Infantile eczema Nat Sulph
Jaundice in newborn babies Chelidonium
Neonatal thrush  Borax
Retention of urine in newborn babies Aconite

Source: Dr Mukesh Batra, a well known Homeopath based in India 

A Homeopath recommends Pregnancy kit containing 29 specific remedies based on Dr Banerji protocols

Pregnancy Case Studies treated with Homeopathy

Case1: Homeopathy helped in case of recurrent miscarriages, effectively

Twenty-nine-year-old Shruti came to us because she was experiencing recurrent miscarriages. She had conceived thrice
earlier: each time she had lost her baby in the third month. She was now two months pregnant. Our online homeopath took her case history, and found that she habitually miscarried in the sixteenth week. Based on this indication, she prescribed her Apis Mellifica. She was asked to follow-up during the following month but, she missed her appointment. She came eight months later with a box full of sweets and a cuddly baby in her arms, a normal full-term baby.
She said since her in-laws were so protective, they did not allow her to go out of the house; so, she could not visit our clinic for follow-up.

Case 2: Homeopathy can address morning sickness in pregnant women

Twenty-two-year-old Kavitha was continuously vomiting (a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum), two months into her pregnancy. Her day would start and end with vomiting. She was not able to retain anything – neither water nor food. The only thing she liked was pickles; she said she was just surviving on them.’ She also said that her attending gynaecologist had prescribed some medications, but they had not helped her.Based on her lean, thin constitution and intense craving for Pickles, our online homeopath prescribed her Sepia Officinalis. It took less than three days to control her vomiting. Besides this, her appetite was back to normal and she began to put on weight. Seven months later, she
delivered a healthy, full-term baby.

Homeopathy Medicine collection for pregnancy symptoms, Easy Parturition (normal delivery)

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