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Top Homeopathic Medicines list for Varicose Veins. Buy Online

Homeopathy provides promising and effective relief for Varicose Veins through remedies like Pulsatilla, Hamamelis, and biochemic medicine such as Calcarea Fluorica. Our selection of top homeopathic treatments for varicose veins offers a natural and safe approach without any adverse side effects.

Varicose Veins Explained

Varicose veins are essentially swollen and elevated veins that appear dark purple or blue, twisted, and bulging on the skin’s surface. They are commonly found on the back of the calves or the inside of the legs. Varicose veins develop when the valves in the veins responsible for carrying blood back to the heart malfunction, leading to congestion or blockages, which can result in conditions such as venous stasis (blood clots in the veins). Contributing factors may include prolonged periods of standing, malignancy (tumors or cancer), obesity, pregnancy, reduced physical activity, or immobilization. Left untreated, varicose veins can potentially lead to complications like phlebitis (inflammation of vein walls) and thrombosis (localized blood clot formation). Chronic venous insufficiency may result in skin discoloration, edema, scaly eruptions resembling eczema, and even ulceration.

Addressing Swollen Veins in the Legs, Anus, or Scrotum

Homeopathic medicine effectively targets the underlying circulatory issues and the formation of blood clots in engorged veins. Learn more about its action here.

How Homeopathy Treats Varicose Veins and Doctor Recommendations

Homeopathic remedies address the weakness of connective tissues in the veins, alleviate symptoms of venous congestion in affected body parts, and target valve malfunction responsible for inadequate venous return. Different homeopathic medicines offer specific therapeutic actions, such as:

  • Aesculus hippocastanum (addresses venous distensions, engorgement, rawness, and shooting pains)
  • Arnica montana (treats injuries to veins, tenesmus, and ulcus cruris)
  • Calcarea fluorica (strengthens venous walls and reduces vein enlargement)
  • Carduus marianus (has an affinity for the vascular system and aids thrombosed or hardened veins)
  • Collinsonia canadensis (alleviates portal congestion and circulation problems)
  • Clematis recta (treats varicose ulcers and lymphatic disorders)
  • Cuprum aceticum (addresses skin conditions and influences hematopoiesis)
  • Lachesis muta (treats septic blood conditions in venous vessels)
  • Melilotus officinalis (supports the circulatory system and counteracts thrombotic states)
  • Nicotiana tabacum (relieves vessel cramps and regulates capillary functions)
  • Sulfur (promotes the elimination of toxic substances accumulated due to congestion)
  • Belladonna (acts on the nervous system, reducing venous congestion, and affects the vascular system)
  • Hamamelis Virginica (exhibits anti-hemorrhagic properties and impacts veins and capillaries)

Prominent homeopaths like Dr. Rawat Choudhary recommend commonly used medicines for the treatment of Varicose Veins, including Pulsatilla 30, Hamamelis Q, Flouric Acid 30, Lachesis 30, and Vipera 30. You can find more information in his YouTube video titled “Best Homeopathic Treatment of Varicose Veins | Yash Homeopathic Centre Jodhpur.”

Dr. Kirti Vikram Singh suggests a 3-month course of treatment, which includes:

  • Calcarea flouricum 12x: Take 6 tablets three times a day.
  • Hamamelis 30: Use 2 drops three times a day.
  • Dr. Reckeweg R 42: Take 10-15 drops three times a day, diluted in 1/2 cup of water.

For further details, you can refer to his YouTube video titled “Powerful Homeopathic Medicine for Varicose Veins.”


Homeopathy Varicose Medicines, Buy Online here

varicose veins treatment medicine homeopathic

Top Medicines List in Homeopathy for Varicose Veins: Brief with Indications


Varicose Medicine Name
R42 Drops from Dr.Reckeweg for Venous Stasis, Varicoses, inflammation of the veins. Dr.Reckeweg R42 drops is used to treat inflammation of the veins, choking of the veins in the lower limbs, formation of varices and its sequels elephantiasis and oedemae of the lower part of thighs. R42 is also indicated for blood clot formation in veins (venous stasis) due to long periods of immobility, veins that have become enlarged and twisted (varicosis and varicose ailments), varicose eczema (a skin condition caused by increased pressure in the veins of the legs that usually affects older people). Contains specific remedy like Aesculus hippocastanum (acts on dilation of veins and venous stasis). Size: 22ml,
ADEL44 VENORBIS drops, German Homeopathy for diseases of the Veins (Varicose Veins). Adel 44 is indicated for venous stasis, varicose veins and other varicose problems and contains Aesculus Hipp (acts on swelling/oedema, thromboseprophylaxe and resistance in capillaries), Clematis recta (inflammations of the mammas, removing pain and congestion), Collinsonia Can (removes restricted blood flow, obstipation & heart aches), Cuprum aceticum (very useful in Hematopoiesisor the process of creating new blood cells in the body), Lachesis muta (heart regulation,  addresses sceptic blood conditions), Mellilotis off (for thrombophlebitis or blood clot of long duration, paraestatic states). Size: 20ml, –

Biochemic medicines for Varicose veins

Calcarea fluorica (Calcarea flouride)  A constituent of the bones and the tooth enamel, it is contained in the epidermic (outermost layer of the skin) cells and in the elastic tissues. It suits flabby constitution, their connective tissue and of the elastic fibres, tendency to varicose veins and chronic ulcerated varicose veins with severe, piercing pains. Pains in the lumbar region (low back or loin) and lumbago. particularly as a consequence of osteochondrosis in the lumbar part of the spine. Neuralgia and neuritis. Extensively used for varicose. 25 Gms, 450 Gms.  (SBL), 20 gms (Reckeweg), 25Gms.  Schwabe.

Homeopathy Ointments, Creams, Oils & Gels for external application on Varicose Veins


Dr. Vashisht Varicose Veins Gel with Calcarea Fluorica 3X   first of its kind Biochemic based GEL ointment, quick absorbing and highly effective, Calc flour gives tissues the quality of elasticity. 100% Natural, based on Aloe Vera Gel base, no petroleum ingredients. A doctor formulation, very well reviewed by customers for efficacy


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