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Bahola Labs – Complete Homeopathic Medicine List. Buy Online

Bahola Labs is a Chennai based manufacturer of Homeopathic medicines offering a broad range of products under Mother Tinctures, Dilutions, Bio-Chemics & Bio-Combinations, Triaturations (in powder & tablet forms), Specialities, Nosodes, and Ointments. Founded by Dr.V.R. Murty in the year 1939, the company’s stated goal is to ‘Improve the quality of life through Homeopathy’. The company’s tagline is ‘Hamesha Healthy’. We have provided the complete Bahola product list in this article with links to our official web store for online shopping.

You can also conveniently order Bahola homeopathy medicines online by Mail, Phone or Whatsapp (#9686858499)

Bahola Homeopathic products

Bahola General Health- Homeopathic Products List

Bahola Alfalfa Syrup Bahola Alfalfa  is high strength tonic for active adolescents and adults. Improves digestion, tones the appetite and calms the nerves. Presentation: 110ml, Price:
Bahola Alfiron Malt – Iron Tonic Bahola Alfiron Malt – Iron Tonic improves appetite, increases haemoglobin content of the body, prevents weakness, tiredness, debility and fatigue. Presentation: 400ml, Price:220/-
Bahola Alfa Forte Syrup Bahola Alfa Forte stimulates all the organ functions, promotes tissue buliding and improves nutritional status. Relieves weakness and insomnia in the aged. Presentation: 100ml, Price:95/-
Bahola Ferolac  Tablets Bahola Ferolac  Tablets for increasing hemoglobin content, curing anemia and its associated symptoms like weakness, fatigue, lethargy, headache, dizziness etc. Presentation: 50tab Price:100/-
Bahola Fi Phos Syrup Bahola Fi Phos for mental and physical fatigue, stress, anxiety, insomnia etc.
Bahola Septin Tablets Bahola’s septin for increasing body resistance. Helps to fight respiratory and septic infections. Presentation: 50tab, Price:100/-


Bahola Child Care Homeopathic products

Bahola Calsinbala Tablets Bahola Calsinbala is indicated for tardy and delayed dentition, ricketts, weak bones, defective nutrition and anemia in children. Presentation: 100gms, Price:
Bahola Infant’s Mixture Drops Bahola Infant’s Mixture is indicted for infant colic, diarrhoea, flatulence and weak digestion. For calming irritability in children during dentition. Presentation: 100ml, Price:75/-
Bahola Kiddy Forte Drops Bahola Kiddy Forte tonic is indicated for overall healthy growth and development of children. Presentation:30ml, Price:75/-
Bahola Q3 Syrup Bahola Q3 Syrup anti pyretic and analgesic syrup. Presentation: 60ml, Price:55/-


Bahola Women’s Care Homeopathic products list

Bahola Sodhari Syrup Bahola Sodhari A systemic tonic which aids in the restoration of normal uterine functions. Presentation: 100ml, Price:75-
Bahola Menareg Syrup Bahola Menareg is indicated for menstrual irregularities such as excessive bleeding, delayed periods, painful menses etc. Presentation: 50 tab, Price:100/-
Bahola Rececaul Syrup Bahola Rececaul is indicated for patients with history of abortion, stillbirth, aids ensuring a full term, normal and smooth delivery. Presentation: 50 tab, Price:95/-

Bahola Gold Drops-BAHGLD30

Bahola Respiratory Care Homeopathic product list

Bahola Cofil Drops (Effective Cough Reliever) Bahola Cofil Drops is indicated for dry or productive coughs, allergic cough, whooping cough, hoarseness of voice and difficulty in breathing. Dose not contain any habit forming or narcotic drugs. Harmless, effective and safe when used under given conditions and dosage. Dispensary and Hospital use. Presentation: 100ml, Price:60/-
Goldrops Homeopathic drops indicated in acute and chronic asthma, breathlessness, dyspnoea,cough. A quality product from Bahola. Presentation: 30ml, Price:80/-
Bahola Tonsilo Tablets Bahola Tonsilo Tablets is a Homeopathic Medicine For Tonsil useful in acute, chronic and septic tonsillitis and their accompanying symptoms. Presentation: 90 tab, Price:125/-

Worminal Drops -BAHWMD30

Bahola Gastro Care Homeopathic products

Bahola Liverol Syrup Bahola Liverol protects the liver, regulates the liver functions and corrects disorders of metabolism.
Bahola Worminal drops Bahola’s Worminal Drops is indicated for vermifuge for eradication of single and mixed intestinal infection. Presentation: 30ml, Price:80/-
Bahola Dysentil Tablets Bahola Dysentil is indicated for diarrhea and dysentery. Presentation: 50 tab, Price:100/-
Bahola Gastron Tablets Bahola Gastron relieves acidity, heartburn, flatulence, constipation etc. Presentation: 20 tab, Price:50/-


Bahola Skin Care Homeopathic products

Bahola Skin Salve Cream Bahola Skin Salve Cream is indicated for external treatment of acne, pimples, recurrent boils and carbuncles, insect bites, rough and scaly skin. Presentation: 25gms, Price:60/-
Bahola Calendula Antiseptic Cream Bahola Calendula antiseptic cream is indicated for superficial burns, cuts and wounds. Protects the skin from sun, dust and moisture and prevents scarring. Presentation: 25gms, Price:50/-
Bahola Corn Paint Bahola Corn Paint for external treatment of corns and callosities. Presentation: 10ml, Price: 60/-
Bahola Haematone Syrup Bahola Haematone is indicated for blood purifier in septic skin conditions such as acne, boils and carbuncles, helps eliminate toxins from the body. Presentation: 100ml, Price: 80/-


Bahola Homeopathic Eye care range

Bahola Eyebright Drops Bahola eyebright is indicated for conjunctivitis, eye irritation, corneal ulcer. Presentation: 15ml, Price:65/-
Bahola Cineraria Maritima Eye Drops Bahola Cineraria Maritima Eye Drops is indicated for gradual loss of vision or double vision as a result of senile or traumatic Opacities of the lens and cornea. It is very useful in early stages of cataract. Presentation: 10ml, Price:100/-

 Bahola Mullein Essence-BAHMUL15

Bahola Homeopathic Ear and Dental Care Range

Bahola Earsol Ear Drops Bahola Earsol Ear Drops is indicated for earache and ear discharge. Presentation: 15ml, Price:65/-
Bahola Mullein Essence Ear Drops Bahola mullein essence is used for pain in the ear, fetid discharge, ulceration, blockage, hardened wax in the ear. Presentation: 15ml, Price:55/-
Bahola Tooth Drops Bahola Tooth Drops is indicated for toothache due to any cause, swollen, bleeding and painful gums. Presentation: 30ml, Price:60/-

Arnicated Hair Oil - Bahola

Bahola Hair Care Homeopathic products

Bahola Arnicated Hair Oil Bahola Arnicated Oil is formulated with the purest form of (known to promote hair growth) and which keeps the scalp healthy and free from dandruff. It is also indicated for hair fall, dandruff, premature greying of hair. For best results use in combination with Arnicated Shampoo. Presentation:100ml, Price:105/-

Bahola Homeopathic Therapeutic Specialties

Bahola Dibet Drops Bahola Dibet is indicated for effective control of blood sugar and its accompanying symptoms. Presentation: 30ml, Price:80/-
Bahola Extacy Tablets Bahola Extacy  helps revive sexual power, cure sexual neurasthenia, debility, impotence, etc in men. Presentation: 20 tab, Price:100/-
Bahola Urelief Drops Bahola Urelief is indicated for faster control of UTI, relieves abdominal pain, burning micturation and haematurea. Effective control UTI in women. Prevents ascending infection in the urinary tract. Presentation: 30ml, Price:100/-
Bahola Hi Marcs drops Bahola Hi Marcs drops (Homeopathic memory enhancer)are indicated for improving memory and enhancing the retention capacity of the mind. It removes brain fatigue, improves concentration and mental alertness. Presentation: 30ml, Price:100/-
Bahola Cardace Drops Bahola Cardace is indicated for effective and long term management of hypertension. Controls high blood pressure and prevents fluctuations in blood pressure. Very useful in cardiac dysfunctions and cardiac dropsy. Presentation: 30ml, Price:110/-
Bahola Renal-D Drops Bahola Renal-D is indicated for expels renal, bladder and urinary calculi and prevents calculi reformation. Single solution for all types of calculi. Prevents speedy relief from renal colic. Presentation: 30ml, Price:100/-
Bahola Dermin Bahola Dermin is indicated for cuts, wounds, abrasions, eczema, carbuncles, ringworm. Also as dusting and dressing powder. For external use only
Bahola Stincura Drops (Scorpion bite treatment) Bahola Stincura is an excellent Homeopathic Medicine for Scorpion bite treatment, it is also indicated for bites, stings of scorpions, poisonous insects, etc. (For external use only). Presentation: 10ml, Price:65/-
Bahola Q3 Tablets  Bahola Q3 Tablets is indicated for fevers, headaches, cough and bodyache. Presentation: 50 tab, Price:100/-

Bahola Homeopathic Muscular Pain Relievers

Bahola Alpain Tablets Bahol Alpain Tablet is effective analgesic based on homeopathic principles for treating all kinds of body aches and pains. Presentation: 50 tab, Price:100/-
Bahola Balm Bahola Balm is an excellent balm made of well known homeopathic ingredients with favorable influence on muscle sphere for all aches, pains, swellings, sprains, etc.  Presentation: 30ml, Price:65/-

Buy the complete range of Bahola Homeopathic products at our Homeomart – India’s No.1 online homeopathy medicine store. Get 10% off !! on the entire range + free shipping over Rs. 600. Cash on Delivery (COD) across India. We undertake International orders too (via PAYPAL)

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If you have any question about Bahola Homeopathy products or want advise on a medical condition requiring homeopathic treatment, please leave your comment below (in the comments section) and we will respond

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18 thoughts on “Bahola Labs – Complete Homeopathic Medicine List. Buy Online”

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