Schwabe Alpha Acid Tablets for Hyperacidity, Flatulence, Gastric Ulcer

Schwabe Alpha Acid Tablets for Hyper acidity and heartburn associated with indigestion, flatulence, gastritis and gastric ulcer

Homeopathic Schwabe Alpha Acid Tablets is indicated for Hyper acidity and heartburn associated with indigestion, flatulence, gastritis and gastric ulcer.

Acute gastritis is due to irritants such as spices, food poisoning, drugs, abnormal foods, chemical agents, stress, excess alcohol or some specific infection.Schwabe Alpha Acid Tablets are indicated in the following cases loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort. Chronic gastritis affects middle aged persons with dyspepsia. Causes may be those mentioned above. symptoms are abdominal discomfort, morning nausea and hyper-acidity.The symptoms are loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort.

Chronic gastritis affects middle aged persons with dyspepsia. Causes may be those mentioned above. Symptoms are abdominal discomfort, morning nausea and hyperacidity. Causes of hyperacidity may be stress, tension, worry and food irritants. Heartburn is a symptom of above abnormalities from vagal or hormonal stimulation. Indigestion and flatulence are results of the aberration. The balanced formulation of the product covers such symptoms for immediate relief and long term cure by targeted action on the causative factors and involved organs.

Causes of hyperacidity may be stress, tension, worry and food irritants. Heartburn is a symptom of above abnormalities from vagal or hormonal stimulation. Indigestion and flatulence are result of the aberration. The balanced formulation of the product cover such symptoms for immediate relief and long term cure by targeted action on the causative factors and involved organs.Check out more about Homeopathic treatment of acidity, stomach pain here

Indications: Hyperacidity and heartburn associated with indigestion, flatulence, gastritis and gastric ulcer.

Action of Individual ingredients in Schwabe Alpha Acid:
Bismuthum subnitricum: Indicated for anorexia (lost and diminished appetite), much thirst, eructation after drinking water, slow digestion, with frequent bitter eructations and feeling of discomfort in the stomach, Vomiting with convulsive pain. Water is vomited as soon as it reaches the stomach. It also covers pressure and burning in the region of stomach.
Capsicum annum: Hyper acidity with reduced appetite, Vomiting, much thirst, dyspepsia, and heart-burn. Pressure, pain in the pit of stomach with nausea are also covered by this medicine. Robinia pseudacacia: Indicated for heart burn and acidity with constant eructation and regurgitation of very sour and bitter substance, seems everything turns to acid. Gastric headache with acid vomiting, epigastric pain and and ratching are also covered by this medicine.
Iris Versicolor: It is indicated for violent burning like fire of whole alimentary canal, nausea and vomiting of watery and very acidic substance; heart-burn and profuse flow of saliva, acidity makes the teeth blunt. In some cases appetite is deficient. Stress and headache are aggravated in such cases.
Arsenicum album: It covers burning pain in the pit of stomach, weakness, loss of weight, paleness, nausea, vomiting soon after any intake, Heart burn and regurgitation of acid matter. It also covers weakness, loss of weight and paleness. Dyspepsia from vinegar or acids, ice-creams, tobacco. Associated symptoms are great thirst, drinks much, gastritis, gastroenteritis, gastric ulcers etc., but in small quantities at a time.

INGREDIENTS: Each tablet of Schwabe Alpha Acid Tablets 250 mg contains: Bismuthum subnitricum 2x 25mg; capsicum annuum 5x 25mg; Robinia pseudacacia 5x 25mg; Iris versicolor 3x 25 mg; Arsenicum album 5x 25mg; Excipients Q. S. to make 250mg.

DOSAGE: Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician 1- 2 tablets of alpha acid to be given thrice daily. Children can take 1 tablet every 2 hours and subsequently thrice a day. If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist.

Skin effects: No side effects of alphaTM-Acid are known.
Contra-indications: None for the use of alpha-acid are known.
Interactions: None between alpha-acid and other products are known.
Presentation: 40 tablets in blister pack of 4×10.

SIZE: 20 gm

RATE: MRP: Rs.95 (Get 10% OFF, Buy Online at best Price)

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