Schwabe Grindelia Pentarkan Tablets, Homeopathic Asthma Remedy


10 in stock


Schwabe Grindelia Pentarkan Tablets, Homeopathic Asthma Remedy for difficult breathing and allergic bronchitis. It is helpful in de-congestion, relaxation and expectoration, corrects metabolic disturbances. Covers wheezing, oppression of the chest with viscous mucus. Also indicated for spasmodic cough, dry cough, cough with nausea and vomiting, constant constriction in the chest.

Clinical indications of Schwabe Grindelia Pentarkan Tablets

  • Mild bronchial asthma
  • Allergic bronchitis

Composition of Schwabe Grindelia Pentarkan Tablets

Schwabe Grindelia Pentarkan Tablets contains Ephedra vulgaris 1x, Grindelia robusta 1x, Ipecacuanha 3x, Justicia adhatoda 1x, Lobelia inflata 3x

Dosage of Schwabe Grindelia Pentarkan Tablets

2 tablets 3 times a day. Children between 6-12 years: half of the adult dose.
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Weight 0.1 g



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