SBL Zerogrype Drops, Homeo Gripe water for Gas & Colic in Children

SBL Zerogrype Drops for Gas and Colic in Children

SBL Zerogrype Drops is indicated for Gas and colic in children, is the most common and frequently seen problem in infants and causes great anxiety to mothers. Painful cries (or colicky cries) are urgent, discomforting and irritable. These are difficult to ease with regular means.

SBL Zerogrype Drops is a clinically proven product. Composed of well balanced homeopathic medicines, which is invaluable for bringing relief from indigestion, flatulence and colic in babies.

Introduction: Why some babies suffer from colic or gripes is difficult to assess but it could be due to trapped gas in intestine (while feeding or crying) or due to Gastro- esophageal reflux or acid reflux.
The mother can identify signs of colic if the baby cries vigorously for long periods despite efforts to relief, shows excessive episodic irritability, stiffens the body, arches the back, brings the knees to chest and clenches the fist in pain and may be a little relieved after passing gas or stool. Conventional gripe mixtures can be addictive or may have side effects.

About Gripe Water: Gripe water is usually a over-the-counter liquid supplement that provides soothing colic to babies, some also for hiccups and flatulence, teething pain, ,among other ailments. It is usually mixture of sodium bicarbonate and herbs such as ginger, fennel, chamomile, cinnamon, cardamom, licorice, clove, dill, lemon balm or peppermint. It is safe as it does not contain alcohol or sucrose. The credit for inventing gripe water goes to Woodward who got inspired from the treatments for malaria and “fen fever”. He studied that the formula used to treat fen fever was also an effective “soother of fretful babies and provided relief from gastrointestinal troubles in infants. Gripe water is recommended by some pediatricians and alternative practitioners as a natural option

Ingredients/Composition: SBL Zerogrype Drops contains: Chamomilla vulgaris, magnesia phosphoricum.

Dosage: Infants 5 SBL Zerogrype Drops, 3-4 times a day, children 10 SBL Zerogrype Drops, 3-4 times a day.

Size: SBL Zerogrype Drops comes in 30ML Sealed Bottle

Price/Rate: MRP: Rs.50 (Get 10% OFF Buy Online)

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