Homeopathy Brand Catalog

Allen Labs Kolkata Homeopathy product catalogue, Shop online

About Allen Laboratories Ltd

Founded in 1981 by Dr.G.P. Sarkar Allen laboratories Ltd is eastern India’s largest ISO 9001:2008 & GMP certified homeopathic medicine manufacturer. Allen’s unique specialty and super specialty products are scientifically developed by its R&D division in collaboration with Dr.Sarkar Allen Institute Pvt Ltd with the combination of proven homeopathic lower potencies and mother tinctures prepared as per HPI which are complimentary and have synergistic action with each other. Now Shop online for Allen Kolkata range of  Homeo dilution, Mother Tincture, Bio-Chemic, Bio-Combinations and Homeo speciality products in the form of oral liquid, Lotion, Tablet, Ointment, Hair Oil, Hair vitalizer, Body Oil, Body Lotion, Antiseptic cream, Prickly heat powder etc at Homeomart – India’s No.1 online homeopathy medicine store.

You can also conveniently order Allen Kolkata homeopathy medicines online by mail, phone or Whatsapp (#9686858499)

Allen Homeopathic Products


Product name Indications
Allenzyme  (digestive, carminative and appetizer) Allenzyme is indicated to improve appetite and digestion, normalizes liver and gastro-intestinal functions and removes flatulence and constipation. Size: 110ml, MRP: 70/-
Allen Alvine (restorative nervine) Allen alvine is indicated for general debility, weakness, restlessness, loss of weight, constipation, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, hepatic and digestive disorders, anemia, indigestion, hepatic and digestive disorders and loss of memory, mental and physical energy. Size: 310ml, MRP: 150/-
Allen Baybesan (growth promoting tonic for babies) Allen baybesan is an ideal baby tonic that improves liver and stomach functions, increases appetite, promotes growth by toning up the system. Size: 60ml, MRP: 65/-
BoroAllen (antiseptic cream) Boro allen for all season specially indicated in chapped lips, minor cuts, burns, cracked nipples, dry skin diseases, barber’s itch, diaper’s itch. Effective in pimple, rash, acne boils and sunburns. Size: 20gm, MRP: 135/-
Allen Entrodin (for diarrhoea and dysentry) Allen entrodin is indicated for diarrhea and dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, worm infestations in children. Size: 30ml, MRP: 100/-
Allen Gripe mixture (palatable mixture for suffering babies) Allen gripe mixture is indicated for griping pain, indigestion, acidity, flatulence, eructation, diarrhea & troubles during dentition, gives rapid relief to suffering babies. Size: 150ml, MRP: 65/-
Allen Livosin total (complete health tonic for total wellness of body, mind and soul) Allen livosin total restores physical and mental vigor, protects liver and improves its functions, corrects constipation and indigestion, increases appetite, removes sleeplessness, best tonic for debility after exhausting diseases, useful for pregnant women and lactating mothers. It offers nutrients with natural vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to provide energy and relief fatigue due to over work and tension, sugar free livosin total is effective for diabetic and cardiac patients also. Size: 180ml, MRP: 170/-
Allen Livo-10 liver tonic (liver disorders) Allen livo-10 liver tonic is indicated for organic and functional complaints of liver and gall bladder, anorexia, nausea, dyspepsia, gastro duodenal catarrh & constipation, paroxysmal pain in abdomen, hepatitis – acute, chronic & alcoholic, sluggish liver, fatty liver, jaundice, cirrhosis, infantile jaundice. Size: 100ml, MRP: 80/-
Allen Uterin-13 (rational uterine tonic) Allen uterin-13 is indicated for amenorrhoea, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, post partum hemorrhages, leucorrhoea either acute or chronic pruritus vulvae. dysmenorrhoea & neuralgia of ovary.
Allen Bhp-10  (for enlarged prostste and associated symptoms) Allen bhp-10 for much difficulty in voiding urine, interrupted flow, dribbling of urine. retention, cystitis with prostatic hypertrophy. Size: 30ml, MRP: 95/-
Allen Cardia  (for cardiac disorder) Allen cardia for symptoms of mild forms of cardiac diseases, palpitation, arrhythmia & cardiac insufficiency, effective in functional diseases of heart.
Allen Cinarex (for worm infestation) Allen cinarex is indicated as an ideal children tonic that improves liver & stomach functions, increases appetite and promotes growth by toning up the system, effective in roundworm, hookworm, pinworm & tapeworm infestation, loss of appetite, anal itching, nocturnal enuresis & mental irritability. Size: 15ml, MRP: 70/-
Allen Dysmen (for dysmenorrhoea) Allen dysmen is indicated for dull pain across the small of back abdomen & legs, dysmenorrhoea, premenstrual syndrome, amenorrhoea, endometriosis. Size: 15ml, MRP: 110/-
Allen Hypervis (for hypertension and associated symptoms) Allen hypervis for mild to moderate form of high blood pressure, irregular blood circulation, heaviness to head with pain in neck, dizziness, palpitation & vertigo. Size: 30ml, MRP: 130/-
Allen Leucorrhal (for leucorrhal) Allen leucorrhal is indicated for leucorrhoea (vaginal discharge) – acrid, profuse, excoriating & offensive, itching in the parts, redness, burning maturation & pain in lower abdomen with great discomfort. low back pain, extreme prostration. Size: 30ml, MRP: 95/-
Allen M-Pausal (for menopausal syndrome) Allen m-pausal  is indicated for climacteric troubles, palpitation, flashes of heat, buzzing in ears & chronic sick headache, irregular hemorrhages, great depression with mental irritability. Size: 30ml, MRP: 120/-
Allen Ocidross (paediatirc cough formula) Allen ocidross is indicated for cough with rattling of mucus in chest, facilitates expectoration. Size: 30ml, MRP: 80/-
Allen Paintox (for pain management) Allen paintox is indicated for pain of various origin-muscular, neuralgic, bony etc. lumbago, gout, sprains with swelling & redness, arthritis. Size: 30ml, MRP: 130/-
Allen Stimulas (stimulation for men) Allen stimulas is a remedy to maintain sex-characteristics in adult men, symptoms due to diminishing levels of androgens in middle and old aged men,infertility due to defective  spermatogenesis, osteoporosis and refractory anemia, helps to rejuvenate the lost vigor and vitality. Size: 30ml, MRP: 320/-
Allen Thyrol (for thyroid dysfunction) Allen thyrol is indicated for hypothyroidism & its associated symptoms. Size: 30ml, MRP: 110/-
Allen Acitron (systemic alkaliser) Allen Acitron is indicated for febrile states, urinary tract infections, burning micturition (urine), dysuria, cystitis, recurrence of calcium stone, chronic recurrent infection. Size: 110ml, MRP: 80/-
Allen Alferon (homoeo Haematinic) Allen Alferon is indicated in iron deficiency anemia. Anemia due to chronic blood loss, inadequate intake of iron and mal-absorption syndrome. Ideal during pregnancy and lactation, chronic inflammatory diseases and during convalescence. Also useful in anorexia, vertigo, general debility, weakness and weariness. Size: 110ml, MRP: 135/-
Alfaallen (Super alfalfa health tonic for active mind and body) Alfaallen is indicated to increase physical and mental work capacity. Improves endurance, tolerance and compatibility during stressful states. Makes immune system strong by supplying natural vitamins & minerals. Rejuvenates and strengthens body organs and helps to maintain good health. AlfaAllen favorably influences nutrition, evidenced in toning up the appetite and digestion resulting in greatly improved mental and physical vigor, with gain in weight.
Allen Diarol (anti-diarrhoeal formula) Allen Diarol is indicated for acute and chronic gastroenteritis, diarrhea, colicky pain, pain before during and after stool, flatulence, dyspepsia, prostration. Size: 30ml, MRP: 80/-
Allen Laxil (for intractable constipation) Allen Laxil is indicated for constipation, neuralgia of rectum, irregular peristalic action (muscular movement in stomach) . Incomplete evacuation due to impaction of stool. Loss of appetite. Size: 30ml, MRP: 100/-
Allen Coex (cough expectorant) Allen Coex  is indicated to provide relief from all types of cough. Doctors often find coughs are more difficult to treat than more serious disorders due to the lack of proper modalities and classification based on nature of cough. Size: 110ml, MRP: 75/-
Allen Hoopex (anti tussive, decongestant) Allen Hoopex is indicated for acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, paroxysmal and convulsive cough with respiratory distress, incessant violent, barking and hard cough with pain in chest and aphonia, dry asphyxiant cough with glottis spasms,  aphonia, and sore throat.
Allen Livosin Drops (carminative appetizer) Allen Livosin Drops is indicated as hepato (liver) protective, carminative, appetizer & growth promoter. Enhances energy, improves vitality & ensures development of physical and mental sphere. Size: 30ml, MRP: 90/-
Allen Alseptol (antiseptic gargle) Allen Alseptol is indicated for effective in conditions of pharyngitis, tonsillitis, throat irritation, throat congestion and dysphonia. Also useful in gumboils, stomatitis, oral infection and foul breath. Size: 15ml, MRP: 70/-
Allen Pyrex (to control fever) Allen Pyrex  is effective in early febrile conditions. Fever with headache, body ache, muscular soreness & prostration. Reduces temperature in intermittent, remittent & continuous fever. Size: 15ml, MRP: 70/-
Allen Brenup (Brain tonic) Allen Brenup is a homeopathic brain tonic remedy for sound mind and body. Brenup acts as a ideal tonic in states of tiredness, nervous exhaustion, loss of memory, forgetfulness, lack of confidence and absent mindedness. Size: 250ml, MRP: 200/-
Allen Dentolin (Dental and gum care lotion) Allen Dentolin is indicated to prevent and treat tooth decay, pyorrhea, gingivitis, aphthous condition of mouth, toothache and bad breath. It acts as a haemostatic after tooth extraction and in bleeding gums.
Allen Kalomeg (super tonic for liver and stomach troubles) Allen Kalomeg is indicated for gastrointestinal irritation, colic, anorexia, malnutrition, worm infestation, improves liver function, increases appetite, arrests growth retardation in children.
Allen Repos (for sleeplessness and tension) Allen Repos is indicated for anxiety, tension, stress, emotional disturbances, behavioral disorder, fear, nervous, physical & mental strain, insomnia, extreme prostration. Size: 30ml, MRP: 115/-
Allen Dialfa (diabetic tonic) Allen Dialfa is indicated for hyperglycemia (an excess of glucose in the bloodstream due to Diabetes)and its associated symptoms.
Allen Comeba (anti-amoebic formula) Allen Comeba is indicated for dysentery and diarrhea, colicky pain and tenesmus (bowel disorder), Indigestion, gastro intestinal catarrh with irregular peristalsis, loss of appetite. Size: 30ml, MRP: 95/-
Allen Calsil (nutrition for bone) Allen Calsil  is indicated for bony degeneration due to calcium deficiency, helps in calcium assimilation, supportive therapy during pregnancy, lactation & menopausal syndrome. Effective in retarded bony growth & delayed dentition. Growing pain of babies. Size: 30ml, MRP: 95/-
Allen Exup (an excellent rejuvenator) Allen Exup is indicated for sexual neurasthenia, functional impotency, psychic & idiopathic impotency, premature ejaculation, poor penile erection.
Allen Gastrin Plus tablets Allen GastrinPlus tablets are indicated for Hyperacidity, peptic ulcer, reflux oesophagitis. Size: 75gm, MRP: 110/-




Product name Indications
Allen Arnica Montana hair oil (hair root stimulant) Allen arnica montana hair oil is non sticky light hair oil enriched with the the goodness of imported arnica montana, provides nourishment to the hair roots. Cares the scalp and hair shaft. Presents healthy scalp and soft hair. Size: 100ml, MRP: 110/-
Allen Arnicaplus triofer (triple action hair vitalizer) Allen arnicaplus triofer combined action of arnicaplus and triofer arrests excessive falling of hair, prevents premature hair graying, removes dandruff, vitalizes hair roots, promotes new growth of healthy hair, adds longevity to hair. Triofer cures liver and stomach troubles, corrects constipation & anemia, supplies mineral and tissue salts, thus removes root causes of hair problems. Size: 100ml+50 tabs, MRP: 375/-
Allen Arnica plus-S (anti-dandruff scalp cleanser) Allen arnica plus-s removes and controls dandruff. Cleans the hair and scalp. Prevents scalp disorders and lice. Size: 120ml, MRP: 115/-



Product name Indications
BoroAllen (antiseptic cream with sandal) BoroAllen, the multipurpose ayurvedic antiseptic cream takes care of you as none other does. For chapped lips, cracked nipples etc. Size: 20gm, MRP: 45/-
Allen Olivallen (body massage oil) Allen Olivallen is a medicated body massage oil act as a prophylactic agent and helps treating skin ailment like excessive dryness, wrinkles, freckles of old age. Effective in treating rickets and emaciation. Beneficial in recurrent cough and cold. it is ideal massage oil for all ages. Size: 100ml, MRP: 85/-
Allen Boroallen (pricklyheat Powder) Allen Boroallen (prickly heat Powder) is indicated as soothing, refreshing skin agent for all season, fights against and give relief from prickly heat, relieves itches and fights infection. Prevents excess perspiration, absorbs sweat, destroy odor causing bacteria. Induces feeling of freshness. Size: 150gm, MRP: 70/-
Allen Sonny baby oil Allen sonny baby oil contains natural vitamins- a, d & e of cod liver oil, coconut oil & olive oil that helps to promote healthy growth, improve beauty and prevent frequent attacks of cough and cold. Size: 100ml, MRP: 80/-

AllenBalm -ALKALB12



Allen Piless  (for piles) Allen piless is indicated for bleeding & non-bleeding hemorrhoids, anal fissure, fistula in anus etc. Size: 15gms
Allen Ringo (for ringworm) Allen ringo is indicated for skin ailments. Size: 15gms
Allen Calendula ointment Allen calendula ointment is indicated for old sores, ulcers and open injury. Size: 15gms
Allen Rhus tox Allen rhus tox is indicated for sprain, muscular pain and stiffness. Size: 15gms
Allen Graphites Allen graphites is indicated for dermatitis, eczema and ringworm. Size: 15gms
Allen Thuja Allen thuja is indicated for warts and condylomata. Size: 15gms
Allen Arnica Allen arnica is indicated for bruises and trauma. Size: 15gms
Allen Balm (instant pain reliever) Allen balm is indicated in arthritis and sciatica. Instant pain reliever of various origin-skeletal, muscular, neuralgic etc. Effective in headache, backache, rheumatic pain, lumbago, gout, sprain with swelling & redness. Size: 12gms, MRP: 60/-

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7 thoughts on “Allen Labs Kolkata Homeopathy product catalogue, Shop online”

  1. I have hypothyroidism and also auto immune problem,I have been taking Thyronorm 125 mg but unable to control TSH (15 TO 40),is it advisable to take Thyrol,if yes then how(oral drops) and dosage etc..

    1. Allen thyrol is indicated for hypothyroidism & its associated symptoms. You may start treatment with Tubercilinum 1M, CM (hs) and later supplement with Thyreoidinum (od) or Cistus can (tds) depending on symptoms, pls take under the guidance of a homeopath

  2. Your product brochure are good can you tell me where i got your medicine in jabalpur mp

    1. Sorry we dont have info about local availability in Jabalpur. Homeopathic medicines are not easily available so we have our online store where you can conveniently order and get door delivered

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